Tank Set-Up

It is best to use a glass or plastic tank because of the moisture levels needed to keep a tarantula. The floor dimension of the tank should be roughly 6 times that of the tarantula.

Most tarantulas don’t like overly humid environments. Make sure your tank is ventilated. Between 70% and 80% humidity is good obviously this isn’t the case for all tarantula species so be sure to make sure of your tarantula’s specific needs.

However, be aware that even terrestrial and fossorial species are well equipped for climbing. So it is essential you have a secure lid.

Never place your tank in direct sunlight, near radiators or put it in busy areas of the home e.g. doorways, hallways, or in cold rooms. A quiet, shaded and warm room is best.

Substrate, Cleaning & Furniture

Use a substrate that holds moisture, preferably a peat-based one. Be sure if using a peat-based substrate it has no additives e.g. fertilizers.

Never let the substrate completely dry out (unless the species requires it) always keep it moist, but not so wet that puddles form. The substrate should be spread out inside the tank to a depth of around 2-5cm (more for deep burrowing spiders). If your tarantula’s tank appears dirty, clean it out. It is only normally necessary to clean them out every 3-6 months. Most disinfectants, soaps and detergents are toxic to tarantulas so don’t use them – a good scrub with a sponge and scourer with hot water is usually all that is needed.

If you don’t have an arboreal tarantula and your tank is quite tall (over 30cm or more) it is important that you put plenty of tank furniture around the sides of your tank. This will prevent your tarantula from falling to far if it falls while climbing the sides.

Feeding, Handling & Health

Tarantulas need very little food so a meal every week to a fortnight is plenty.

The meal should be no bigger than the size of the carapace (the middle part of a spider). Make sure your tarantula’s abdomen doesn’t become swollen. A tarantula will take most types of cricket or locust as food. Some may even be persuaded to eat meat products such as pinkies and ox heart. If the tarantula doesn’t eat its food within a few hours remove it and don’t feed it again for at least a week. Un-eaten food may damage your tarantula.

Never use any aerosols, cleaning solutions or anything that might produce fumes around your tarantula. This includes polish, air fresheners and paint.

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